My thoughts, My Feelings, My Life - In words.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Her Birthday

Today is the Birthday of one of the most important women in my life, my grandmother Iris.

My grandmother and I have a relationship which many would envy; she's my bestfriend, my confidante, my tea partner, my neighbor, my go-to person, my shoulder to cry on, laugh on, vent to and snuggle on.  She has been through hell and back with me, for me, and before me.  She is my daughter's second favorite person (only favorite to my 14 year old cousin who thinks the world of her).  She has taught me many many things, and I continue to learn from her on a weekly, daily, hourly, minutely basis.  She is my numero uno and I don't think I tell her that often enough.

So Nan, Happy Birthday from the bottom of my heart.


Friday, June 11, 2010

Summer Toes.

I love little feet.  But what I love more, are little feet with Mommy feet.  So I share this with you.  May our feet soon be burried by warm white sand! 

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Summer.... Maybe?

Summer is here.  I think.  Well, maybe.  Mother Nature is considering it.  You know one of my favorite parts of when Summer is on the way?  Those lovely things up there - in purple and white.  I LOVE, Adore even, the smell of Lilacs.  I would fill every single room in my house with them if my cat didn't decide he wanted to eat them, rub against them, and eventually, knock over every vase in my place.  My daughter loves them too.  But what does she love more?  Taking them out of the vase and shaking them so the petals go everywhere.

Come on summer.  I want more good smelling things!