My thoughts, My Feelings, My Life - In words.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Single Parent Curse?

I have been fortunate as a single mother to be happy being just that, single. Since M's dad and I seperated, I have been in 1 serious relationship. It was good, while it lasted. I seem to have a magnetic force that attracts losers. I have noticed it more and more recently.

I have been attempting the "dating" world for the past 9 or 10 months now, and to be honest, I am loosing faith, and quickly. I have met a few 'men' who have seemed nice. Then, we go on the second date, they realize that I'm not a booty call, and I toss them aside. I have lost all patience when it comes to dating. I just want to skip it.

I miss having someone to spend time with, someone to share my day with. I would love to have someone here to snuggle up on the couch with, someone to have adult conversation with... Someone who is centered, professional, has a career, or a job even!!! If a man is going to come in to my life, he needs to have stability, goals, ambitions. Am I setting the bar too high here?

And when that man does come along... is the dreaded Single Mother Curse going to get in the way? You know, the one that says "Hey! I'm a single mom! That must mean I'm unbalanced, psychotic, codependant and want you to take on my child as if she was your own!! And don't forget - you can never get away now, you're trapped!!". I hate the classification of the Single Mom. We're not all like that. I don't want someone to take on M as their own, to 'complete' my life. I would like to have someone to compliment my life.

Arg. I give up.

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